Sirine Shebaya:超越哲学-这位澳门赌场官网想要立即产生影响

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By Debra Bruno
September 5, 2017

Sirine Shebaya美国民主党在全美50个州和80多个国家都有成员.C. 酒吧的会员聚光灯定期介绍组成我们社区的人. 阅读你的同龄人,他们的生活,他们在世界各地的工作.

Not that there’s anything wrong with a Ph.D. 哥伦比亚大学哲学专业的教授,随后是学校的终身教职. But for Sirine Shebaya, 现在是穆斯林倡导组织的高级澳门赌场官网, the life of an academic felt a little too theoretical. About halfway through her program, she says, “我意识到我其实想和人们一起工作,并立即产生影响.”

That realization didn’t stop Shebaya, today 38, from finishing up her degree and looking for jobs, 部分原因是一份工作可以帮助这位土生土长的贝鲁特人留在美国. And while the offers came in, she says she thought, “In 10 years if I was just a philosophy professor, would that be satisfying?”

Still searching, Shebaya成为约翰霍普金斯大学伯曼生物伦理学研究所生物伦理学和公共政策格林沃尔研究员. From that fellowship, 谢巴亚意识到她真的想进入法律行业:“这是一项智力严谨的工作, 但它也会直接影响人们,让你改变世界,” she says.

At Yale Law School, she further narrowed her focus. 她最初对人权和国际法的兴趣吸引她为伊拉克难民援助项目工作, today called the International Refugee Assistance Project, plus a human rights clinic, a workers’ and immigrants’ rights clinic, and a civil rights and national security clinic.

有了这一切——包括一个移民案件,她有机会作为法学院实习生在康涅狄格州最高法院前辩论——她决定她的使命是“识别被边缘化的声音,并努力为这些声音提供渠道。, 帮助那些局外人,那些真正受到内部决策影响的人,” she says.

首先在马里兰州的ACLU工作(在奥巴马执政期间), from 2012 to 2016), she says she developed an interest in immigrants’ rights, particularly in immigration enforcement. “当地监狱在没有逮捕证的情况下拘留移民和海关执法局的人,这是违反第四和第五修正案的,” she says. 谢巴亚和她的同事们成功地说服了马里兰州,并得到了时任州长的支持. Martin O’Malley, 通过一项全州范围的政策,禁止在没有司法许可的情况下拘留违反移民法的人, she says. (See the most recent advisory 马里兰州总检察长关于执行联邦移民法的建议.)

Before that, she says, 许多人因为尾灯坏了或无照出售电话卡而被拦下,最终进入了“驱逐管道”.


特朗普总统在2017年1月上任后不久就实施了第一轮旅行禁令, Shebaya decided to take her two young sons, including an infant of four months, and her husband, 前往华盛顿杜勒斯国际机场,为可能受到禁令影响的外国人提供法律帮助.

She stayed at the airport that day until 1 a.m., trying to get access to U.S. Customs officials. 她最后和密歇根州的一位也门父亲通了电话,这位父亲正试图用移民签证把他的两个儿子带进来(杜勒斯是他们在美国的第一站)。. 当时,法律援助中心说服了一名法官,允许澳门赌场官网接触合法的永久居民, the brothers had been sent back to Yemen.

“我们有一群来自大型澳门赌场官网事务所的非常优秀的人,他们帮助公益团队处理案件,” she says, in addition to a number of immigration attorneys. Today, Shebaya is a board member of the Dulles Justice Coalition, which was formed in response to the initial travel ban.

Since May, Shebaya has worked at Muslim Advocates. “迫使我的主要原因是,这个社区多年来一直是有针对性攻击的对象,” she says. “But now, 他们受到的攻击是如此恶劣,如此私人, 我想为社区做出贡献,让他们能够为自己的利益而战.”

她指出,该组织以为所有美国人争取民权而自豪. “We’re grounded in the Muslim community, 还有更广泛的南亚社区、阿拉伯社区和其他有色人种社区,” she says.

她议程上的一些问题早在特朗普当选之前就开始了. “奥巴马驱逐的人比任何一位总统都多,”她指出. 不过,现在人们对民权问题的认识正在提高.

当被问及她是否对未来充满希望时,她给出了一个谨慎的回答. “There are parts that make me cautiously optimistic, and parts that make me feel very pessimistic,” she says. “感觉人们被激活了,那些不总是占据主流舞台的社区团体也在大声疾呼,这真是太棒了.”

But, she adds, 联邦政府的“机构层面有一些阴险的变化,我们可能无法纠正。.”
